This checklist of the medium- and large-sized mammals in the Furnas River Reserve is based on a survey made over several years when the reserve was being created and recent videos made with camera traps. Above: Cerdocyon thous (the crab-eating fox), which is a small species of canid. © Renato Rizzaro.
A | B | C | D | E |
Order | Family | Species | Portuguese | English |
Artiodactyla | Tayassuidae | Pecari tajacu | cateto | collared peccary |
Carnivora | Felidae | Puma concolor | onça-parda | puma |
Carnivora | Felidae | Leopardus wiedii | gato-maracajá | margay |
Carnivora | Felidae | Leopardus guttulus | gato-do-mato-pequeno | southern tiger cat |
Carnivora | Felidae | Leopardus pardalis | jaguatirica | ocelot |
Carnivora | Felidae | Herpailurus yagouaroundi | jaguarundi | jaguarundi |
Carnivora | Canidae | Cerdocyon thous | cachorro-do-mato | crab-eating fox |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Galictis cuja | furão-pequeno | Lesser grison |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Lontra longicaudis | lontra-neotropical | neotropical otter |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Eira barbara | irara | tayra |
Carnivora | Procyonidae | Nasua nasua | quati-de-cauda-anelada | South American coati |
Carnivora | Procyonidae | Procyon cancrivorus | mão-pelada | crab-eating raccoon |
Chiroptera | Phyllostomidae | Desmodus rotundus | morcego-vampiro | common vampire bat |
Cingulata | Dasypodidae | Dasypus novemcinctus | tatu-galinha | nine-banded armadillo |
Cingulata | Dasypodidae | Dasypus septemcinctus | tatu-galinha-pequeno | seven-banded armadillo |
Didelphimorphia | Didelphidae | Didelphis albiventris | gambá-de-orelha-branca | white-eared opossum |
Pilosa | Myrmecophagidae | Tamandua tetradactyla | tamanduá-mirim | collared anteater |
Primates | Atelidae | Alouatta guariba | bugio, bugio-marrom | brown howler monkey |
Rodentia | Dasyproctidae | Dasyprocta azarae | ? | Azara’s agouti |
Rodentia | Cuniculidae | Cuniculus paca | paca | Lowland paca |
Rodentia | Sciuridae | Sciurus ingrami | serelepe | Ingram’s squirrel |
Rodentia | Erethizontidae | Sphiggurus villosus | ouriço-cacheiro | orange-spined hairy dwarf porcupine |
Rodentia | Caviidae | Cavia aperea | preá | Brazilian guinea pig |
Rodentia | Caviidae | Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | capivara | capybara |